Picking colors for Cute Monster # 16. Got tips?

Here is the cutie I’m working on now. And I’ve had some troubles picking the right coloring for this guy. It’s a big deal, cause the color often creates the monster’s story. I often don’t even know how the monster will be called until the illustration is finished.

So got any ideas? Looking forward to hearing from you:)


Cartoon Fun Friday #4

Hello again. It’s a great day today, because we will be looking for a 🥕! Continue reading

Cartoon Fun Friday #3

Hey, there:) it’s Friday, which means it’s time for another speed paint I’ve done recently.

If you have missed the previous videos, you can watch them here: video #1, video #2.

This time it’s a cute happy frog with a green leaf.

Please, enjoy the video:)

Here are a few screenshots of the stages I went through to help you understand the whole process better.

1. Scetching.

I always do it on a dark background, cause white distracts and strains the eye.

2. Base colour.

At this step the contour doesn’t matter.

3. Highlights

4. Erasing.

I could wait until I’m done with the whole coloring process, but I’m too curious to see how the frog looks already:)

5. Shadows and more highlights

6. Creating “bumpy skin” effect and coloring the mouth.

7. Recoloring the contour.

Black outline makes drawings too cartooney. Usually the outline looks the best if it’s a few shades darker than the colour of the object in that place.

8. Background


9. Final image


Please let me know what you think about this video and the drawing in the comments below:)

Check out more cartoon frogs I’ve drawn before in my  Portfolio.


Welcome to SnailTrail Art Corner.

A place, where even frogs are happy!



5 quick tips on how to choose a perfect picture book.

Have you ever spend hours and hours choosing stuff? Doesn’t matter what – clothes, shoes, a tablet, cereal for breakfast or a picture book for your kids – if you don’t like having to compare, evaluate, choose, then the whole process is utter torture. I’m one of such people. Having to choose from more than 2 options is overwhelming, confusing and frustrating to me.

That’s why if you are drowning in the sea of children picture books, here are my 10 tips on how to choose a perfect book for your child or yourself!

  1. Specific topic. Narrowing down your options makes the choice much easier. Instead of browsing through thousands of titles, you’d be just looking at a few hundreds.

Continue reading

10 Elements of a Successful Book Cover. Part 2.

Hi:) In this post I’m going to reveal 5 more elements that make a great book cover, which can trigger new sales for your beloved indie picture book.

If you have missed the first five elements – you can read it here.

Without further ado. Continue reading

10 Elements of a Successful Book Cover. Part 1.

Since the cover for my new picture book was done by me from scratch, i had to study a lot of examples. I looked through best-sellers, hot new releases, all-time and classical stories. And I’ve discovered that to be successful, a picture book cover should be created according to a few basic principles.

Here are the first 5 elements that a book cover should have to be successful. Continue reading

10 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Picture Books

tunel-2014A week-old business company, a multimillionaire corporation, your local gym, a TV commercial of crackers, your beloved picture book – they all have at least 1 thing in common.  Competitors. Continue reading